Dear Sir/Madam, we would like to remind you of a few rules, which we kindly ask you to follow:

  1. Prescriptions and other certificates are issued only during current visits.
  2. If You can not reach the Registration Office by phone, please send an SMS with
    information „PLEASE  CONTACT US”, and we will call you back as soon as possible.
  3. We  do not work  on an ON-CALL procedure, a) that means as emergency room, i.e. we
    are not able to offer visit next day unless a place suddenly becomes available or during
  4. If you need an urgent help, please go to the psychiatric emergency room (adults to the
    HCP Hospital, children and adolescents to the Psychiatric Clinic at Szpitalna 27/33). You can
    also call the Emergency Medical Service(Pogotowie Ratunkowe) -special emergency
    telephone number: 999 for all patients.
  5. Registration do not work during weekends.
  6. Please come to your visit on time. If you are late more than 10 minutes, the doctor has the
    right to refuse the visit cosidering  the fact that the shortened period of time will not be
    professional and adequate for the Patient.
  7. Please, if you need contact with your doctor- no later than 6 p.m. on weekdays. Doctors
    might not answer the phone calls and respond SMS after this hour because this is their
    private time.
  8. Please control the medications so as not to lose the opportunity to purchase all prescribed.
  9. Please make appointments at least one month in advance. 
  10. If you need to receive an invoice please inform the Registration Office before paying for
    the visit.
  11. If you must cancel the visit and need to postpone it for another time you should inform the
    Registration Office at least 3 hours earlier otherwise you pay for the cancelled visit.
  12. The doctor might refuse an online consultation if he/she believes that this kind of contact
    is not adequate for the Patient and might be even harmful. The doctor then will inform the
    Patient about the refusal reason.

Thank You for accepting and following the above rules.
Agnieszka Remlinger-Molenda
on behalf of the entire Team

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